Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a treatment for chronic pain using the injection of homeopathic medicines, saline or local anaesthetic.

Conditions commonly treated by neural therapy include muscle spasms, frozen shoulder, scar tissue, and chronic headaches. Results from neural therapy are often immediately noticeable.

Rarely is it necessary to treat more than 3 to 5 times. For more information about neural therapy and its applications, go to the following information page from the Loyola University Health System.


Prolotherapy is an injection treatment for chronic pain from injuries to tendons, ligaments and joint structures. Long term injuries, such as those from motor vehicle accidents and sports injuries are often successfully treated by prolotherapy. Other common conditions treated by prolotherapy include recurrent dislocations, back pain with or without pain radiating pain down the legs, whiplash, arthritis and joint degeneration. If you have chronic pain since an injury which has partly healed or only gains temporary relief from other treatments that you have tried then you would likely benefit from prolotherapy.

The first visit to Dr. Marc Boutet, N.D. will be to assess whether or not prolotherapy is a useful option for you and a course of therapy may be recommended. Typically a significant injury will require 4 to 6 prolotherapy treatments. Very bad injuries may take 10 treatments or more while minor injuries such as tennis elbow usually requires 2 or 3 treatments. Prolotherapy is a lasting treatment. Unless you re-injure yourself or have blood sugar problems, the benefits of prolotherapy are permanent. For more information on how prolotherapy works go to